Orthopedic surgery
In addition to routine and soft tissue surgery, we offer major orthopedic surgery. Dr. Herrin has had advanced training and invested in the best equipment to be able to care for complicated orthopedic problems in dogs and cats. Fracture plating and knee reconstruction are some of the more common procedures we do.
We offer TPLO (tibial plateau leveling osteotomy) surgeries to correct one of the most common injuries in dogs, a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament. This is commonly accepted as the best repair for this problem in most dogs.
We serve as a referral surgery center for many of the area veterinarians allowing us to see a large case load of orthopedic cases.
AAHA Accredited

What does it mean to be AAHA-accredited? AAHA-accredited hospitals adhere to rigorous standards to ensure that your pet receives the highest quality care available. Click here to find out more. We Passed with flying colors! We just finished our American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) evaluation. We voluntarily undergo an onsite evaluation every 3 years where we are assessed on over 900 standards of the highest care. Fewer than 15% of small animal hospitals in North America achieve this status and we are proud to be one of them!
Did you know we can give your dog an injection that will protect them for 6 to 12 months against heartworms? It is called Proheart and one injection will protect your dog against heartworms for 6 months or more. Give us a call!
When your pet gets a Proheart injection to protect them against heartworms and 12 months of Simparica to protect them against fleas and ticks, receive up to a $55 rebate !