Client Name: Leon and Colleen Mahurin
Review Date: Tuesday, January 29th, 2019
I can’t say enough about how great this place is! My pets don’t hate coming here. Everyone is so helpful and nice. You can see how good they are with animals from start to finish. I had a bulldog that had congestive heart failure when she was just 2 years old. Not only did this office do EVERYTHING they could to keep her comfortable and happy but they made sure to see her and work with me anytime I felt she needed it. Not only that but they provided me with emotional support at the time too which was not only needed but very much appreciated. She was like our baby and they understood that bond. After Dez passed we adopted a Pit Bull who ended up weighing far more than we expected. This big boy is all muscle too. When we were away for a weekend he was staying at my in laws house and ran off trying to find his way home. Long story short he ended up getting trampled on by several horses and a donkey. Luckily he didn’t have any internal trauma just a lot of bruising and a broken arm. It was the weekend and in the afternoon so we decided to take him to an urgent care facility where we were told that he would probably never use that leg again, the best option may be amputation. We decided to take him to his regular vet on Monday, Dr. Herrin. Not only did Dr. Herrin give our pup a cast and main medication to keep him comfortable but since Axel was so heavy he studied how to make a stronger cast and FABRICATED one himself!!! Axel now walks perfectly fine on his leg and has no trouble with it at all! This office has gone above and beyond for our family more than once! We really couldn’t thank them enough!
Client Name: Tom & Barbara AllenVisit Date: Monday, November 19, 2018
Pet Name: EthelReview Date: Friday, December 07, 2018
Review: I rate Herrin Veterinary as a 5 star. Dr Herrin is so caring and gentle. The staff is welcoming and always pleasant. We highly recommend their clinic.
Client Name: Tracy TrippVisit Date: Saturday, January 07, 2017
Pet Name: Tiny GurlReview Date: Saturday, January 07, 2017
Review: My Tiny Gurl was well taken care of and didn’t mind the exam plus she liked the Staff. They are friendly, informative, and understanding.
AAHA Accredited

What does it mean to be AAHA-accredited? AAHA-accredited hospitals adhere to rigorous standards to ensure that your pet receives the highest quality care available. Click here to find out more. We Passed with flying colors! We just finished our American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) evaluation. We voluntarily undergo an onsite evaluation every 3 years where we are assessed on over 900 standards of the highest care. Fewer than 15% of small animal hospitals in North America achieve this status and we are proud to be one of them!
Did you know we can give your dog an injection that will protect them for 6 to 12 months against heartworms? It is called Proheart and one injection will protect your dog against heartworms for 6 months or more. Give us a call!
When your pet gets a Proheart injection to protect them against heartworms and 12 months of Simparica to protect them against fleas and ticks, receive up to a $55 rebate !